Behind the scenes with the Bensonator

Friday, January 20, 2006

Holy Ambition...

Father, you never cease to amaze me... im still processing everything you did tonite in me and in the encounter community and its real late. I've weighed the options, counted the costs and its boils down to enternal life full of unending Worship. Holy Ambition, that's what i kept on hearing then only to speak it out repeatedly as the band played their last few songs. You are giving me incredible perspective since this whole major change has gone down. PreVet to Mass Communications was huge a change... yet, im so thankful that You are unchanging and You knew right where You were taking me... You are in hard pursuit of my fresh and a little sad outlook on life, finally away from the stressful sciences courses. School is now manageable and an easier source of joy for me... because of this change, you have allowed me to see deeper into your vastness and simply say "Yes" to You. "Yes" to your call to understand this phrase "Holy Ambition," Your heart for the nations is the source of this heavenly call on my life. You are jealous for your glory and worship, none other can share in it or steal it from You.. "One day every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." This "holy ambition" You are calling me to... us as the Encounter community, us as the body of Christ... anyone who calls you Savior is such a complexly simple lifegoal. If our heart's long to see your Renown and Salvation worldwide, if we wake with this desire every morning and choose to say "Yes" to You, our lives radically become bigger than ourselves... basically; Zach, the Encounter community, Christians round the world, loose themselves in a "Holy Ambition" that is totally and undeniably selfless. The unreachable are reached, the unpreachable are preached to, the closed nations suddenly proclaim the eternal goodness of Christ! Our sin some how loses its power and we finally understand that it has already TRULY been defeated and paid for. Lots of Jesus and a heart that screams for Him has little room to allow sin and/or the Devil to play. A perspective for the Nations... the source for this perspective - Jesus, the one that can prepare and equip you to carry out this perspective - Jesus. Do you see it? Do you want to see it? Christ's ministry was all about people and loving them selflessly, whose foreign hearts does the Lord what you to love and be burdened for?

"Here am i send me!"

Saying "Yes" and searching for more "Holy Ambition,"



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    By Blogger alfoshee, at 9:58 PM  

  • good word. Our God is passionate about the advancement of His Kingdom!

    By Blogger alfoshee, at 10:00 PM  

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