Behind the scenes with the Bensonator

Sunday, November 20, 2005

- ATL and Turkey Day Beginning -

I've been behind i know in my postings, sorry (actually, im prob. apologizing to no one, cause nobody bothers to read about me). Nevertheless, i am posting just cause i enjoy it and if others read well, good! Left AU round 11 am to head to the ATL to hang with a friend from home that's in school at Kennesaw. Didn't get lost or ne thing so my trip started off rather well, still over joyed about my Tiger's victory in the Iron Bowl the previous day...WAR EAGLE!

Had a great afternoon, went to the "greasy V" off of 75 and then to both Guitar Centers with wade... what could be better? Hit up some Starbucks and a bit of studying cause my freak of a teacher decides to schedule an exam the Tues. we get back from Turkey holiday... suck! So after doing more talkin/laughin (as we always do!) then we did studyin,our stomachs began to talk so we decided to down some over priced ATL Japanese cuisine! The price was worth it.. best sushi, hot&sour soup, and egg rolls ever! Wade recently bought the "Evening with Shane and Shane" DVD/CD so we watched that and played some shane for oursleves after, fun times with our guitars! Shane and Shane got nothing on Zach and Wade! haha (yeah right).

Well off to play in ATL



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