Before i start another week and forget the small ways he's faithful ill share before i start studying for the nite (boo!) So, im going to Honduras for SB2K7 right? $700 is needed by tomorrow to secure the plan tickets for each team member right? this whole weekend, i was freaking out cause im a little short of the above figure but i just trusted...coming home from encounter leaders meeting at Cornerstone i decided to check the mailbox one last time before the weekend was out. Sure enough, the exact amount came in that i needed to meet tomorrow's deadline. i know its not a huge deal, but to me it was! it just made me appreciate and love Jesus even more... he is such a God of detail and intimacy. Now, talkin bout intimacy leads me to share about leader's meeting tonite. "WOW" is all i got! Matt briefly spoke on the freedom we have in Christ and how we so often walk around still carrying our junk, still trying to carry the cross and bare the burden he did so many years ago. it makes no sense why he went to the cross, not in the world's eyes atleast - but he did... tonite i was reminded of how ACCESSIBLE he is, how he knows where i need to be met day in and day out, if i simply ask and acknowledge. He knew my heart needed to hear "zach its not about YOU" stop trying to make life work...
you can only deny the nudges of your creator for so long.... (love it)
you can only deny the nudges of your creator for so long.... (love it)
So... I have like $650 of the $3,300 I need for Africa by April 25th-- my parents are starting to worry a LOT. I really needed to hear this. I KNOW the Lord will provide!
Thanks for sharing. Love you! :)
ericka b, at 3:14 AM
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