Much needed post....
Wow.... its been far too long. School has started, work continues, games begin... ah, the fall at AU is overwhelming. The Lord has really been teaching me about rest, more specifically, in him of course. We don't know how much we "busy" ourselves as students gaah. So many times i simply miss the Father because im just putting him off... stress and frustration comes because of our business, we then try to fix it ourselves and this obviously ends in failure or even more frustration. Endless cyle. What does it take to allow Father to be the good shepard at all times? Ha, very little to him but in our fleshly hearts and minds he seems to always be the last resort. These next two weeks are gonna be full of absolute craziness between school, football, band stuff etc. My prayer is that i allow Him to COMPLETELY cover me in all i do, so that nothing but Jesus is working for me, in me and through me. Its a daily dying to self as Paul says continually in Romans.
Chasing victory, i call this abandoment.
Chasing victory, i call this abandoment.
drink it up brotha. He is there full and ready for you to dive in. no worries, no what-if's just embrace Him. he will take care of the rest.
Anonymous, at 4:41 PM
Zach, you are amazing and he is amazing thru you!!! I love you, your Aunt Patty ;-)
Anonymous, at 7:42 PM
encouraging, as always. SO glad you're posting again :)
ericka b, at 3:09 AM
encouraging, as always. SO glad you're posting again :)
ericka b, at 3:09 AM
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