Behind the scenes with the Bensonator

Friday, July 25, 2008

The revenge of the meter man...

In the midst of a super busy end to the week, a funny story must be shared. Im thankful to have gotten some exercise out of the whole thing too. So, Im sitting in Cambridge Coffee on South College and my phone alarm goes off to tell me my meter is up. I nonchalantly rise from my little table and speak to a friend or two, only to see the meter man walk by the door... dum dum dum. (might i add, he was wearing a white headband and he had the cutest little mid life crisis belly hanging over his blank pants).
I end my conversation and jet out the door (quarter in hand), as the meter man gets closer and closer to my expired meter. I race past him (and hear JP from his car on College street yell "run boy, run!"). I beat captain headband just in time, and drop my quarter in. He doesn't even crack a smile or say anything as i smirk at him out of breath (lame-o).

There it is, saved myself $5, today is neat.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So Im sitting here at band practice waiting to record my part and im bored so i decided to write a post. I know, im overdue.

My summer has been uneventful to say the least. I just feel like im going through the motions in this whole school thing and Im looking forward to being done in December.

I made an A in my Intro to PR course so that's just neat, and my news writing class is a just a few columns here and there.

The Plainsman practicum has turned out to be stressful. Only having two business days to contact appropriate sources and then making the Monday deadline can be rough during a crazy week. So that's my school life in a nutshell.

I've had some great design opportunities come up recently that Im excited about. Ill be working Stacy Wood in the Ag Communications and Marketing department in AU COA. She is basically tutoring me in design theory, layout and whatever else is involved with the field. It's fantastic, its neat. Under Stacy, Ill be designing the new Ag Comm info brochure and the cleaning up the monthly Ag Combine student newsletter. I can't wait to see the final product.

Boring i know, im looking forward to the fall. War Eagle.